1. Introduction
The Department of Engineering Management and Technical Economics, founded in 2009, currently owns 14 academic staffs, including 5 professors and 7 associate professors. For now, there is a master degree program for the major of Technial Engineering and Management, and a bachelor degree program of Engineering Management. The main research directions of this department include: investment and cost management, international project management, project evaluation.
2. Department Officials
Name: Fengcai Ma (Associate Professor) |
Position: Department Chair of Engineering Management and Technical Economics Department |
Tel: +(86) 8237 5120 |
Office: Room 923 SEM Building |
Email: mfc@ustb.edu.cn |
Name: Zhenqin Wang (Associate Professor) |
Position: Deputy Department Chair of Engineering Management and Technical Economics Department |
Tel: +(86) 6233 4415 |
Office: Room 911 SEM Building |
Email: wangzq@manage.ustb.edu.cn |